How to create new document in Indesign_ Part 3

Setting up your document correctly from the start will make your job much easier as you work through your project. This will require some advanced planning.

To create a new document, click File > New > Document. This will open the Document Setup dialog box. Here you will be able to set up the correct page size, margins, and page columns for your document.

Number of Pages

Type a value for the total number of pages for this document.


Facing Pages

Select this option to make left and right pages face each other in a double-page spread.

Deselect this option to let each page stand alone, such as when you plan to print on both sides of a sheet of paper or want objects to bleed in the binding.


Master Text Frame

Select this option to create a text frame the size of the area within the margin guides,

matching the column settings you specified. The master text frame is added to the master.


Page Size

Choose a page size from the menu, or type values for Width and Height. Page size represents the final size you want after bleeds or trimming other marks outside the page. there are presents for common sizes such as letter, legal and tabloid.



Choose the Portrait or Landscape icons. These icons interact dynamically with the dimensions you enter in Page Size. When Height is the larger value, the portrait icon

is selected. When Width is the larger value, the landscape icon is selected. Clicking the deselected icon switches the Height and Width values.



After clicking More Options, the bleed area is used to align objects that you want to

extend all the way to the trim line of your printed document.



After clicking More Options, the slug area is used for instructions to the printer, sign-off forms, or other information related to your document. The slug area is discarded when the document is trimmed to its final page size.
