How to Duplicating Objects in CoreldDraw _ Part 8


Duplicating Objects 

In CorelDraw, there are several ways to copy objects. Some of the ways include creating a separate copy altogether,


Transformations Docker

duplicating an existing copy of the object to a specific location on a page, and creating a

copy, such that a relationship is maintained between the copy and the original.


Duplicate Command

For duplication of an object, select the object and from the Edit drop-down menu, select

Duplicate option. A shortcut for duplicating an object is to select the object and pressing

Ctrl + D. The direction in which, duplicates are created can also be changed. First, click

Options in the main menu toolbar, and from the drop-down, select Tools. Then, select

Document, followed by General.



Clones are duplicates that are linked to the original. On changing the properties, such as fill, outline, and transformation of the original, the changes made get automatically applied to the clone too. In addition, certain changes can be made in the clones without affecting the original. To remove these newly-applied properties of the clone, it can be reverted to

the master or the original. For this, click the modified clone, followed by Revert to Master option.


Step and Repeat

To create copies of an object at a specified position, use Step and Repeat option. To use this, click Step and Repeat option in Edit menu. A Step and Repeat docker appears on the right side of the window


Enter appropriate values in the Number of copies box, Horizontal Settings and Vertical Settings. Then, click Apply. The Mode list box in the Horizontal and Vertical settings allows the user to choose spacing or offset between the objects.


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