Working With Title / Text in premiere pro _ Part 10


When using Adobe Premier Pro, you can create titles and other related project resources that can be used in the video with the help of the Title Designer. The Title Designer allows you to create content that can be used in the video just as an image or a video clip. Operations such as video effects and transitions can be applied to a title file as well.


Go to Title Menu  > New Title > Default Still / Roll / Crawl

Choose the size and title panel will be open

Title Quick Properties panel

To creating and animating titles. The basic text controls for font, font size, kerning, and leading are also accessible here. Design and preview of titles is also possible, with a video in the background.

Title Tools panel

To provides tools for creating texts and shapes. Basic shapes such as rectangles and circles can be created. Pen tools .

Title Actions panel

The options in this panel can be used to adjust the alignment and distribution of the text and shapes in the title.

Title Styles panel

To predefined title designs, which can be used to change the style of the text or shape by simply selecting them.

Title Properties panel

To holds the style properties for a selected text or shape in a title file.
